Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Final Exam Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Final Exam Questions - Essay Example This paper examines Daniel Cohen`s argument vs. Alison Jaggar`s argument regarding globalization. Cohen deals with a very important and timely subject or topic for that matter – globalization – though he does so inefficiently. The title of his book leads one to think that Cohen will actually defend globalization from its enemies or pinpoint those enemies and pronounce their arguments. Nonetheless, the book offers, at best, a somehow weak defense of the topic – global capitalism. Cohen does not openly identify enemies of globalization and their agenda. Cohen puts the present wave of globalization in an historical perspective. He tries to explain why poor countries have failed to be like developed nations and what possibly the world can do to make globalization be more beneficial. Cohen claims that globalization, thanks to the enormous speed of the 21st century communications, presents to the people a world with material prosperity which everyone wants. That is, a vivid world full of promises that are not yet fulfilled. For the poorest developing countries, globalization remains just an elusive image. Economist Daniel Cohen opposes the idea that globalization is something that is imposed and meant to exploit poor nations. Instead, he offers an innovative concept to make globalization benefit the poor. According to Cohen (2006), to understanding the modern globalization requires us to reject the idea that poor nations are exploited and stunted by globalization. Undoubtedly, rich nations protectionist practices and prejudiced trade terms negatively impact poor nations, but these nations stay poor just because they have nothing or very little that the richer countries desire or need. Cohen equates the condition of the poor nations to that of â€Å"persons lost inside French welfare system.† Cohen asserts that

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