Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Marriage And The State Marriage - 1265 Words

Marriage and the state Marriage is a legal union of a couple as spouses according to Cornell University of law school. Traditionally, marriage was viewed as the basis of the family unit and very vital to the preservation of civilization and morals. However, defining marriage in the society of today can be a challenge. This is because the marriage of today differs with what marriage was considered to be in the past. In the today’s society, there are three basic elements of marriage which include: each party must accord to the marriage, each party must have a legal ability to marry and the parties must have entered into a contract as require by law. In addition, gay marriage has been legalized by states where we find the gay couple raising†¦show more content†¦Moreover, one can receive disability, veterans, pension plan, military and Medicare benefits through the other spouse. In case a marriage that has lasted for at least ten years ends, one can still enjoy social security benefits with a p ower to spousal support. Secondly, the prenuptial agreement benefits are recognized under the law that a couple is creating an economic partnership by getting married. Lastly, we have the IRA benefits that are used in a few ways contributing to the unemployed individual retirement account as well as changing deceased spouse s IRA for own use in the course of a marriage. Tax benefits- we have the marital tax deduction, and filing taxes jointly under the tax benefits. The marital tax deduction is the largest tax benefit a married couple can receive. In addition, one can transfer assets free from tax to the partner at any time. A spouse can leave assets to the other spouse with no estate subjection. On filing taxes jointly, it happens that if both spouses are high earners, they end up paying more taxes. However, if one stays at home while the other has a job then the marriage benefits to file jointly. Legal benefits- These benefits includes the inheritance benefits and legal decision- making. Focusing on inheritance benefits, a spouse or partner can inherit the whole estate with no taxShow MoreRelatedPolygamy : State Of Marriage2013 Words   |  9 PagesPolygamy: state of marriage to many spouses ( Polygamy has a conflicted past in history. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all condoned the practice of Polygamy in the early years of each respective religion. As time passed, so did the feelings and laws towards Polygamy. Polygamy is now outlawed among western Jews, and though it is legal in other areas, it is unheard of. Christianity does not tolerate Polygamy. While Islamic law still allows Polygamy it is not often practiced. IslamicRead MoreInterracial Marriages And The United States1043 Words   |  5 Pagesis the institution of marriage. 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